Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Graduate Shows '09

Last Thursday the 3rd years took part in the Cape Town Fashion Week Graduate Shows.

Robyn Caris

All schools were asked to put forward their their top students from the 2009 graduate class.

Lameez Claasen

6 Daf students were chosen to show 3 peices of their final ranges.

Stephanie Ana

Samantha Bailey

Cindy Armstrong

Tina Swiggelaar won an CTFC award and all the students did so well and really stood out - we are so proud of all of you! Keep up all the hard work :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DAF Open Day 01/08/2009

Last Saturday DAF held our first annual Open Day. There were yummy cakes, brownies and savory snacks for sale, packaged in hand made boxes with original hand drawn stickers.

Everything had a personal touch and it was great to give both parents and friends the opportunity to see what DAF is all about. All proceeds go towards raising funds for the end of year fashion show.

For the past two terms the students and staff put aside two hours every Friday to make crafts which could be sold on open day.

Items included veld brooches, earrings, clips, greeting cards and novelty bean bag warmers.

One of the items which really did well were the DAF environmentally friendly shopping bags.

As well as items for sale, all students had an exhibition space where they got to show the best of the work they have produced while studying @ DAF

Thanks to all who attended and helped to make our first open day a success. Special thanks must go to the LRC (Learner Representative Committee) and especially to Steph and Sam for being the driving force behind motivating everyone. Till next time :)